In the holidays me ben and mum went to palmerston north for easter we stayed for 4 nights &5 days,we were going to stay for 3 nights & 4 days.we left on the last day of school.for easter i got lots of little eggs and this flake
and egg. After that we went on netflix while my mum & my auntie made a teaching website to help kids learn.we watched the polar express because my little brother and cousin wanted to watch it.Later on it was dinner our friends came and brought pizza, i did not eat much because i was not that hungry, I was to full on chocolate. The next day we went back to Taranaki,and when we unpacked I went straight up to the skatepark
I did some jumps and stuff and after I went back home and had dinner. In the morning went to taupo we stayed at taupo debretts. In the morning we went to huka prawn park
my cousins caught 10 shrimps my family only caught 2
me and my dad caught them
I was stoked when i caught the shrimp it was my first time.when the shrimp started biting your line you had to wait a bit until the shrimp starts biting heaps. For people who have not had shrimp it tastes like fish but a wee bit different.
Moment in time.
I was just walking around trying to find it, trying to find this big egg. I was hoping for this other one that my brother got ( not this year but it was three years ago), he got us this massive three kg thing. It was a massive sumo wrestler thing, 3 kg!
I looked under the bench but then there was nothing. So I thought behind the couch and there it was. It was alright, it was pretty good, I wasn’t that happy that my cousin sat on, but even worse she was pregnant.
Debretts, Hot Pools
They had some rules about the slides the rules they were don't sit up don't go down with someone else and don't go on your belly.But we broke all the rules we went down on our belly with 3 people. IT was fast if you lay down on your back, but slow if you sat up. There were these lights, green and red but we went every 2 seconds There was 3 slides
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