
Wednesday, 22 February 2017

If I was principal of the school

If I was principal of the school I would make the pool longer and deeper, and ad lane ropes I would do that because the pool we have now is small & shallow.
and then make a smaller pool for the juniors.I would also add a diving board and pop some manus.Image result for manu into a pool

I would also dig a tramp into the ground and a platform you can jump offImage result for diving board

quick write

As I walk up the stairs I say to myself this is gonna be fast as.Im at the top I push the side to give me a boost I feel the water splash at my face.Image result for turbo slide new plymouth

THE FIRST TIME BACK FLIPPING OF THE DIVING BOARDImage result for new plymouth diving board

I stand at the end of the diving board,I flip I look like a crazy frog  Image result for jumping frogI swim to the ladder then i try again the second time I do it was much better.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

blink blog

Today I got way better at my basic facts goal pairs to 1000 I did an equation in 16 seconds.the first time i did the equation it took me 39 seconds.  Image result for 16 seconds timer                                                                                          Also i got my quick write done. a quick write is writing that takes 1 or 2 days. 

Monday, 6 February 2017

Travis pastrana came to my house

I would invite Travis Pastrana because he is my favorite Nitro Circus Rider. When he came to my house I would get him to teach me how to ride a motorbike.
For dinner we would have ice cream(that is his favorite food).After dinner we will go to rotoz, is a bike jump park, made by hand.

nitro circus